- Introduction
- History

Dec. 20, 2015 The 37th President, Min Gyeong-gap, appointed as the President
Apr. 14, 2011 Partial amendment of the National Academy of Arts of the Republic of Korea Act (Act No. 10586)
Feb. 29, 2008 Partial amendment of the National Academy of Arts of the Republic of Korea Act (Act No. 8852)
Mar. 24, 2005 Partial amendment of the National Academy of Arts of the Republic of Korea Act (Act No. 7414)
Dec. 31, 1996 Amendment of the Regulations on Allowances for Members of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Korea Act and the National Academy of Arts of the Repu blic of Korea (Presidential Decree No. 17293)
Dec. 31, 1996 Amendment of the Regulations on Allowances for Members of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Korea Act and the National Academy of Arts of the Repu blic of Korea (Presidential Decree No. 15223)
Dec. 30, 1996 Amendment of the National Academy of Arts of the Republic of Korea Act (Act No. 5209/Fixed number of members: 100)
Jan. 3, 1990 Reorganized the NAA Secretariat (Presidential Decree No. 12897)-Newly founded the NAA Secretariat (1 Bureau, 2 Divisions)
Dec. 30, 1989 Amendment of the National Academy of Arts of the Republic of Korea Act (Act No. 4183)-NAA support tasks transferred to the Ministry of Culture
Dec. 31, 1988 Enactment of the National Academy of Arts of the Republic of Korea Act (Act No. 4046/Fixed number of members: 75)
Oct. 17, 1987 Opening of the new buildings of the National Academies of Sciences and Arts of the Republic of Korea (San 94, Banpo-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul)
Aug. 12, 1985 egration of the Secretariats of the National Academies of Sciences and Arts of the Republic of Korea (Presidential Decree No. 11738)
Apr. 13, 1981 Amendment of the Cultural Protection Act (Fixed number of members: 65)-Classified members into senior, regular, and associate members and set the retirement age at 70
Apr. 20, 1966 The third membership recommended (50 members)
Jan. 4, 1960 Opening of the NAA Secretariat (Samcheong-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul)
Sept. 23, 1959 Promulgation the organization of the NAA Secretariat (Presidential Decree No. 1514)
Mar. 2, 1957 Enactment of the Regulations on Election of General Members of the National Academy of Arts of the Republic of Korea (NAA Regulations No. 3)
Apr. 9, 1955 Enactment of the Regulations on the NAA Awards (NAA Regulations No. 1)
Jul. 17, 1954 Opening of the National Academy of Arts of the Republic of Korea (Fixed number of members: 25)
Jan. 24, 1954 Promulgation of the Regulations on Election of Members of the National Academy of Sciences and Arts of the Republic of Korea (Presidential Decree No. 864)
Aug. 7, 1952 Promulgation of the Cultural Protection Act (Act No. 248)