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The National Academy of Arts Republic of Korea

Members of Literature Division GO
회원 유고회원
Han Malsook


Place of birthSeoul

Elected in2009

Education and Career Experience
1955. Graduated from Seoul National University College of Linguistics
1993.~96. President of the Korean Headquarters of the International Federation of University Women
2002.~04. President of the Korean Women Writers’ Association
Prizes and Awards
1964. Newcomer Award from the 9th Modern Literary Award
1968. 1st Hankook Ilbo Literary Award
1999. Bogwan Order of Culture Merit
Major works and Art activities
1964. Novel ‘A White Path’
1964. Various works such as Under This Sky
1968. A Promise with God
1974. A Lost Muffler
1981. A Beautiful Hymn of the Spirit
1983. Translated into English, Published and translated in 9 countries such as France, Sweden, Italy, Japan, China, Poland, Czech Republic.
1999. First Short Stories from Han Malsook <Happiness>
2008. Leaving Dallas Airport
2016. The Season in Starlight etc.
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